Pest Management Science 2011-06-01

Field evaluation of reduced insecticide spray programs for managing plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Alabama peaches.

Clement Akotsen-Mensah, Robert T Boozer, Henry Y Fadamiro

Index: Pest Manag. Sci. 67(6) , 626-32, (2011)

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Plum curculio (PC), Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst.), is an important pest of peaches in the southeastern United States. Commercially acceptable control of this insect is typically achieved by weekly or biweekly application of broad-spectrum conventional insecticides, resulting in 6-12 sprays per season. Experiments were conducted in a peach orchard in Alabama during 2007-2009 to compare the conventional calendar-based insecticide spray program involving weekly applications of phosmet with three different reduced spray programs using three targeted (well-timed) insecticide sprays (TIS) of phosmet, permethrin or thiamethoxam applied in an alternated fashion.All three TIS programs significantly reduced PC damage at harvest compared with the untreated control in two of the three years (2008 and 2009). Fruit damage due to stink bugs, which are emerging pests of peaches in the region, was also significantly reduced in the TIS programs in both years. In a separate trial in which one of the TIS programs (three targeted sprays of phosmet) was evaluated in a larger peach block in 2009, percentage fruit damage due to PC increased from < 1% in June to ~4% in late July.All the TIS programs evaluated provided effective control of PC and represent potential alternatives to the conventional weekly spray program in peaches with concomitant reduction in insecticide usage and associated costs. However, an additional spray may be necessary for effective control of PC and stink bugs in late-season peach varieties.Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry.

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