Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005-06-15

Photodegradation of phosmet in wool wax models and on sheep wool: determination of wool wax bound phosmet by means of isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

Katrin Sinderhauf, Wolfgang Schwack

Index: J. Agric. Food Chem. 53(12) , 4873-9, (2005)

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The photochemical reactions of phosmet, an organophosphorus insecticide used for plant protection and for control of ectoparasites on productive livestock, were studied in the presence of wool wax. Induced by UV light, phosmet features numerous degradation pathways as well as photoaddition reactions with lipid structure moieties. In model irradiation experiments of phosmet in mixtures of solvents (cyclohexane, cyclohexene, 2-propanol) and fatty acid methyl esters (methyl stearate, methyl oleate, 12-hydroxymethyl stearate), both adjusted to the hydroxyl and iodine values of wool wax, half-lives were determined to be approximately 7 and 16 h, respectively. Irradiation of phosmet on crude sheep wool resulted in a degradation rate of 65% after 24 h. In tracer studies with stable isotope labeled phosmet ([15N]phosmet) in commercial lanolin and on raw sheep wool, employing a sunlight simulator and natural sunlight, wool wax bound phosmet was formed. After extraction and measurement by elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometry, delta15N values of the phosmet-free wool wax fractions were notably increased as compared to the value of natural lanolin. Calculated from the delta15N values, an average of 13.9/15.6% (sunlight simulator/natural sunlight) was bound to wool wax lipids after irradiation of thin films of commercial lanolin. In experiments with sheep wool, 13.2 and 15.4%, respectively, were detected as wax-bound.

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