Current Drug Metabolism 2006-02-01

Prediction of drug-drug interactions for AUCoral of high clearance drug from in vitro data: utilization of a microtiter plate assay and a dispersion model.

Takahito Yamamoto, Akio Suzuki, Yoshiro Kohno, Kiyoshi Nagata, Yasushi Yamazoe

Index: Curr. Drug Metab. 7(2) , 135-46, (2006)

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The purpose of this study was to propose a new method to predict in vivo drug-drug interactions (DDIs) for a high clearance drug from in vitro data. As the high clearance drug, NE-100 (N, N-dipropyl-2-[4-methoxy-3-(2-phenylethoxy)phenyl]ethylamine monohydrochloride) was used. First, approach based on I(u)/K(i) value was used for the prediction of DDIs between NE-100 and concomitant drugs. When the K(i) values (K(i-cal)) obtained from the microtiter plate (MTP) assay and the reported K(i) values (K(i-rep)) for these drugs were used to predict increases at levels of NE-100 AUC(oral) (AUC(oral) ratio), the AUC(oral) ratios from the I(u)/K(i-cal) correlated with those from the I(u)/K(i-rep). This result suggests that the K(i-cal) from the MTP assay can be used for prediction of DDIs instead of the K(i-rep) value. Second, a new approach combining the inhibition rate (R) calculated from the MTP assay and two physiological models was used to predict DDIs. When the AUC(oral) ratios of NE-100 by various drugs were predicted using the R value and the well-stirred model, the ratios were similar to those predicted using the I(u)/K(i). However, after co-administration of drugs such as quinidine, propafenone and thioridazine (potent inhibitors of CYP2D6), the NE-100 AUC(oral) ratios predicted from the dispersion model was much greater than those from well-stirred model. This result shows that application of the dispersion model to the prediction method using the R value might sensitively and precisely predict the increased levels of AUC(oral) by DDIs for high clearance drug, compared with the prediction method using I(u)/K(i) value.

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