Journal of Separation Science 2005-12-01

Structural and temperature effects in the high-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of 1-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-2-naphthol and 2-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-1-naphthol analogs.

Anita Sztojkov-Ivanov, István Szatmári, Antal Péter, Ferenc Fülöp

Index: J. Sep. Sci. 28(18) , 2505-10, (2005)

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The enantiomers of 1-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-2-naphthol and 2-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-1-naphthol analogs were separated isothermally on a cellulose-tris-3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamate-based chiral stationary phase (Chiralcel OD-H), at 10 degrees C increments in the range of 5-35 degrees C, using n-hexane/2-propanol/diethylamine as mobile phase. The mobile phase composition and temperature were varied to achieve baseline resolutions in a single chromatographic run. The dependence of the natural logarithms of selectivity factors, In alpha, on the inverse of temperature, 1/T, was used to determine the thermodynamic data of the enantiomers. The thermodynamic data revealed that all the compounds in this study separate via the same enthalpy-driven chiral recognition mechanism.

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