Regulatory Peptides 2003-03-28

Xenin plasma concentrations during modified sham feeding and during meals of different composition demonstrated by radioimmunoassay and chromatography.

Gerhard E Feurle, Sotirios Ikonomu, Giorgios Partoulas, Bodo Stoschus, Gerd Hamscher

Index: Regul. Pept. 111(1-3) , 153-9, (2003)

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Xenin is a 25 amino acid peptide produced by specific endocrine cells of the duodenal mucosa. Xenin has multiple biological actions in the gastrointestinal tract. It modulates intestinal motility, affects exocrine pancreatic secretion, and gastric secretion of acid. In the present investigation, we studied plasma concentration of xenin in volunteers after modified sham feeding and after meals of different composition. Plasma xenin concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay in unextracted plasmas and after acidic extraction using C-18 Sep-Pak chromatography and after neutral extraction using affinity filtration. Both extraction methods were followed by C 18 r.p. HPLC chromatography. Xenin plasma concentrations in unextracted and in extracted plasma rose significantly after modified sham feeding when the food was brought to the volunteers from another room immediately before sham feeding started. When the volunteers had the opportunity to observe the preparation of the meal, xenin plasma concentrations during fasting were high and no further rise was observed after sham feeding. Isocaloric feeding resulted in elevated xenin concentrations in unextracted plasma and after high-pressure liquid chromatography. The methods of extraction, acidic or neutral, did not affect the results.Cephalic factors, investigated by modified sham feeding, stimulate release of xenin into the circulation. Xenin may participate in the central nervous regulation of gastrointestinal function.Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

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