Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 1990-01-01

Randomized double-blind trial of injectable heptaminol for controlling spontaneous or bromocriptine-induced orthostatic hypotension in parkinsonians.

D Milon, H Allain, J M Reymann, G Morel, O Sabouraud, J Van den Driessche

Index: Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 4(6) , 695-705, (1990)

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Heptaminol is a molecule with experimental cardiovascular analeptic properties. In this double-blind vs placebo trial, the potency, so far unproven, of the injectable form of a 626 mg dose of heptaminol chlorhydrate on spontaneous or induced orthostatic hypotension (OH), was assessed. Nineteen patients were included in the study: 7 displayed spontaneous OH, and in the other 12 OH was induced by bromocriptine, as monitored 103 min/after an oral intake of 6.6 mg on average. Neither spontaneous nor induced OH were recorded in 32% of the Parkinsonian population registered, with no obvious distinctive characteristics. Potency tilt-trials, performed 15, 30 and 45 min after parenteral administration of heptaminol, revealed a significant and expressive potency of the molecule on the systolic blood pressure after 15 min (P less than 0.05). Clinical and biological tolerance was excellent. Low plasma renin activity and the absence of response to orthostatism indicated, in this population of Parkinsonian extrapyramidal syndromes, a loss in positive tonus likely to be of sympathetic origin. The anti-hypotensive action of heptaminol does not seem to be related to any renal or even sympathetic interaction.

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