Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova 1994-01-01

[Regeneration of the liver by using modified polymer compounds for the purpose of hemostasis].

I V Titarenko, G A Pkhakadze, N A Galatenko, E S Savitskaia

Index: Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. 152(3-4) , 17-23, (1994)

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Results of experimental investigations of using polymer compositions KL-3, including modifications with ionol ("Adgenol") and levamisol in 18 rabbits with injuries of the liver are presented. It has been established that 3 and 6 months after using the mentioned compositions viable healing of liver wounds are obtained. Different degrees of intensity of inflammatory reactions and of development of the connective tissue were noted, most pronounced after using "Adgenol". Adding Levamizol to the polymer composition facilitated the recovery of the initial hepatic cells.

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