Grudnaia i serdechno-sosudistaia khirurgiia / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR [i] Vsesoiuznoe nauchnoe obshchestvo khirurgov 1990-01-01

[Isolation of the bronchi with intraoperative packing in children with bronchiectasis].

E A Stepanov, L A Sitko, E S Bocharnikov, S A Schastnyĭ

Index: Grud. Serdechnososudistaia. Khir. (1) , 52-5, (1990)

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The authors discuss experience in 168 operations for extirpation and segmental resection of affected bronchi in children with bronchiectases. To prevent recanalization of the bronchus after its segmental resection and to prevent the formation of an abscess in the isolated part of the lung they suggest a method for intraoperative packing of the remaining bronchi with biopolymer material.

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