
2007965-97-9 structure
2007965-97-9 structure

Name C-11
Description C-11 is a tubulysin-based antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs), displays cytotoxicity for carcinoma cell lines[1].
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In Vitro C-11 exhibits cytotoxicity for N87 cells and MDA-MB-361-DYT2 cells with IC50s of 1.11 nM and 0.9 nM, respectively[1].

[1]. Leverett CA, et al. Design, Synthesis, and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Novel Tubulysin Analogues as ADC Payloads. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2016 Aug 26;7(11):999-1004.

Molecular Formula C38H58N6O7S
Molecular Weight 742.97