
常用名 苯胺氢碘酸盐 英文名 Benzenamine, hydriodide(1:1)
CAS号 45497-73-2 分子量 221.03900
密度 N/A 沸点 184.4ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C6H8IN 熔点 -6.2ºC
MSDS 中文版 美版 闪点 70ºC
符号 GHS05 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09
GHS05, GHS06, GHS08, GHS09
信号词 Danger

Highly efficient perovskite solar cells with tunable structural color.

Nano Lett. 15(3) , 1698-702, (2015)

The performance of perovskite solar cells has been progressing over the past few years and efficiency is likely to continue to increase. However, a negative aspect for the integration of perovskite solar cells in the built environment is that the color gamut ...

Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells.

Nature 517(7535) , 476-80, (2015)

Of the many materials and methodologies aimed at producing low-cost, efficient photovoltaic cells, inorganic-organic lead halide perovskite materials appear particularly promising for next-generation solar devices owing to their high power conversion efficien...

Bright light-emitting diodes based on organometal halide perovskite.

Nat. Nanotechnol. 9(9) , 687-92, (2014)

Solid-state light-emitting devices based on direct-bandgap semiconductors have, over the past two decades, been utilized as energy-efficient sources of lighting. However, fabrication of these devices typically relies on expensive high-temperature and high-vac...