HIV Integrase is an enzyme produced by a HIV that enables its genetic material to be integrated into the DNA of the infected cell. IN is a key component in the retroviral pre-integration complex (PIC). All retroviral integrase proteins contain three canonical domains, connected by flexible linkers: an N-terminal HH-CC zinc-binding domain, a catalytic core domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding domain. Integration occurs following production of the double-stranded viral DNA by the viral RNA/DNA-dependent DNA polymerase reverse transcriptase. The main function of IN is to insert the viral DNA into the host chromosomal DNA, a step that is essential for HIV replication. Integration is a point of no return for the cell, which becomes a permanent carrier of the viral genome (provirus). Integration is in part responsible for the persistence of retroviral infections.

Anti-infection >
Arenavirus Bacterial CMV Enterovirus Filovirus Fungal HBV HCV HIV HSV Influenza Virus Parasite Reverse Transcriptase RSV SARS-CoV
Antibody-drug Conjugate >
ADC Cytotoxin ADC Linker Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC PROTAC-linker Conjugate for PAC
Apoptosis >
Apoptosis Bcl-2 Family c-Myc Caspase DAPK Ferroptosis IAP MDM-2/p53 PKD RIP kinase Survivin Thymidylate Synthase TNF Receptor
Autophagy >
Autophagy LRRK2 ULK Mitophagy
Cell Cycle/DNA Damage >
Antifolate APC ATM/ATR Aurora Kinase Casein Kinase CDK Checkpoint Kinase (Chk) CRISPR/Cas9 Deubiquitinase DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker DNA-PK DNA/RNA Synthesis Eukaryotic Initiation Factor (eIF) G-quadruplex Haspin Kinase HDAC HSP IRE1 Kinesin LIM Kinase (LIMK) Microtubule/Tubulin Mps1 Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog p97 PAK PARP PERK Polo-like Kinase (PLK) PPAR RAD51 ROCK Sirtuin SRPK Telomerase TOPK Topoisomerase Wee1
Cytoskeleton >
Arp2/3 Complex Dynamin Gap Junction Protein Integrin Kinesin Microtubule/Tubulin Mps1 Myosin PAK
Epigenetics >
AMPK Aurora Kinase DNA Methyltransferase Epigenetic Reader Domain HDAC Histone Acetyltransferase Histone Demethylase Histone Methyltransferase JAK MicroRNA PARP PKC Sirtuin Protein Arginine Deiminase
GPCR/G Protein >
5-HT Receptor Adenosine Receptor Adenylate Cyclase Adiponectin Receptor Adrenergic Receptor Angiotensin Receptor Bombesin Receptor Bradykinin Receptor Cannabinoid Receptor CaSR CCR CGRP Receptor Cholecystokinin Receptor CRFR CXCR Dopamine Receptor EBI2/GPR183 Endothelin Receptor GHSR Glucagon Receptor Glucocorticoid Receptor GNRH Receptor GPCR19 GPR109A GPR119 GPR120 GPR139 GPR40 GPR55 GPR84 Guanylate Cyclase Histamine Receptor Imidazoline Receptor Leukotriene Receptor LPL Receptor mAChR MCHR1 (GPR24) Melatonin Receptor mGluR Motilin Receptor Neurokinin Receptor Neuropeptide Y Receptor Neurotensin Receptor Opioid Receptor Orexin Receptor (OX Receptor) Oxytocin Receptor P2Y Receptor Prostaglandin Receptor Protease-Activated Receptor (PAR) Ras RGS Protein Sigma Receptor Somatostatin Receptor TSH Receptor Urotensin Receptor Vasopressin Receptor Melanocortin Receptor
Immunology/Inflammation >
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor CCR Complement System COX CXCR FLAP Histamine Receptor IFNAR Interleukin Related IRAK MyD88 NO Synthase NOD-like Receptor (NLR) PD-1/PD-L1 PGE synthase Salt-inducible Kinase (SIK) SPHK STING Thrombopoietin Receptor Toll-like Receptor (TLR) Arginase
JAK/STAT Signaling >
MAPK/ERK Pathway >
ERK JNK KLF MAP3K MAP4K MAPKAPK2 (MK2) MEK Mixed Lineage Kinase MNK p38 MAPK Raf Ribosomal S6 Kinase (RSK)
Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel >
ATP Synthase BCRP Calcium Channel CFTR Chloride Channel CRAC Channel CRM1 EAAT2 GABA Receptor GlyT HCN Channel iGluR Monoamine Transporter Monocarboxylate Transporter Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Na+/HCO3- Cotransporter Na+/K+ ATPase nAChR NKCC P-glycoprotein P2X Receptor Potassium Channel Proton Pump SGLT Sodium Channel TRP Channel URAT1
Metabolic Enzyme/Protease >
15-PGDH 5 alpha Reductase 5-Lipoxygenase Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Acyltransferase Adenosine Deaminase Adenosine Kinase Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) Aldose Reductase Aminopeptidase Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (ACE) ATGL ATP Citrate Lyase Carbonic Anhydrase Carboxypeptidase Cathepsin CETP COMT Cytochrome P450 Dipeptidyl Peptidase Dopamine β-hydroxylase E1/E2/E3 Enzyme Elastase Enolase FAAH FABP Factor Xa Farnesyl Transferase Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) FXR Glucokinase GSNOR Gutathione S-transferase HCV Protease Hexokinase HIF/HIF Prolyl-Hydroxylase HIV Integrase HIV Protease HMG-CoA Reductase (HMGCR) HSP Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) Lactate Dehydrogenase LXR MAGL Mineralocorticoid Receptor Mitochondrial Metabolism MMP Nampt NEDD8-activating Enzyme Neprilysin PAI-1 PDHK PGC-1α Phosphatase Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Phospholipase Procollagen C Proteinase Proteasome Pyruvate Kinase RAR/RXR Renin ROR Ser/Thr Protease SGK Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase (SCD) Thrombin Tryptophan Hydroxylase Tyrosinase Xanthine Oxidase
Neuronal Signaling >
5-HT Receptor AChE Adenosine Kinase Amyloid-β Beta-secretase CaMK CGRP Receptor COMT Dopamine Receptor Dopamine Transporter FAAH GABA Receptor GlyT iGluR Imidazoline Receptor mAChR Melatonin Receptor Monoamine Oxidase nAChR Neurokinin Receptor Opioid Receptor Serotonin Transporter γ-secretase
NF-κB >
NF-κB IKK Keap1-Nrf2 MALT1
PI3K/Akt/mTOR >
PROTAC E3 Ligase Ligand-Linker Conjugate Ligand for E3 Ligase PROTAC Linker PROTAC-linker Conjugate for PAC
Protein Tyrosine Kinase/RTK >
Ack1 ALK Bcr-Abl BMX Kinase Btk c-Fms c-Kit c-Met/HGFR Discoidin Domain Receptor DYRK EGFR Ephrin Receptor FAK FGFR FLT3 IGF-1R Insulin Receptor IRAK Itk PDGFR PKA Pyk2 ROS Src Syk TAM Receptor Trk Receptor VEGFR
Stem Cell/Wnt >
Casein Kinase ERK Gli GSK-3 Hedgehog Hippo (MST) JAK Notch Oct3/4 PKA Porcupine ROCK sFRP-1 Smo STAT TGF-beta/Smad Wnt YAP β-catenin γ-secretase
TGF-beta/Smad >
TGF-beta/Smad PKC ROCK TGF-β Receptor
Vitamin D Related >
Others >
Androgen Receptor Aromatase Estrogen Receptor/ERR Progesterone Receptor Thyroid Hormone Receptor Others


BDM-2 is an IN-LEDGF allosteric inhibitor (INLAI) of HIV-1 integrase (IN refers to integrase) (IC50=47 nM) with potent anti-Retroviral (ARV) activity. BDM-2 shows IN multimerization activation effect with an AC50 value of 20 nM. BDM-2 blocks the interaction between the catalytic core domain of IN (IN-CCD) and the Integrase binding domain of LEDGF/p75 (IBD), with an IC50 value of 0.15 μM. BDM-2 exhibits highly selective and favorable cytotoxicity[1].

  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A


Cabotegravir-d5 is deuterium labeled Cabotegravir.

  • CAS Number: 2750534-77-9
  • MF: C19H12D5F2N3O5
  • MW: 410.38
  • Catalog: HIV
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A

lavendustin B

Lavendustin B is an inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase interaction with LEDGF/p75 with an IC50 of 94.07 μM. Lavendustin B is an ATP-competitive GLUT1 inhibitor with a Ki of 15 µM. Lavendustin B is also a weak inhibitor of tyrosine kinases[1][2].

  • CAS Number: 125697-91-8
  • MF: C21H19NO5
  • MW: 365.37900
  • Catalog: HIV Integrase
  • Density: 1.423 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 671.1ºC at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 140-144ºC
  • Flash Point: 359.7ºC

BI 224436

BI 224436 is a novel HIV-1 noncatalytic site integrase inhibitor with EC50 values of less than 15 nM against different HIV-1 laboratory strains.

  • CAS Number: 1155419-89-8
  • MF: C27H26N2O4
  • MW: 442.506
  • Catalog: HIV
  • Density: 1.3±0.1 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: 631.8±55.0 °C at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: 335.9±31.5 °C

Raltegravir sodium

Raltegravir (MK 0518) sodium is a potent and orally active integrase (IN) inhibitor, used to treat HIV infection.

  • CAS Number: 1292804-07-9
  • MF: C20H20FN6NaO5
  • MW: 466.40
  • Catalog: HIV
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A

HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 4

HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 4 is a HIV-1 integrase strand transfer (INST) inhibitor with an IC50 of 3.7 nM.

  • CAS Number: 1638504-66-1
  • MF: C24H20F2N4O5S
  • MW: 514.50
  • Catalog: HIV
  • Density: N/A
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A

HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 8

HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 8 is a HIV-1 integrase inhibitor, compound 8[1].

  • CAS Number: 1568-80-5
  • MF: C21H24O2
  • MW: 308.41400
  • Catalog: HIV Integrase
  • Density: 1.21±0.1 g/cm3(Predicted)
  • Boiling Point: 478.5℃ at 760 mmHg
  • Melting Point: 213-214 °C
  • Flash Point: 220.4℃

Raltegravir (potassium salt)

Raltegravir (potassium salt) is a potent integrase (IN) inhibitor, used to treat HIV infection.

  • CAS Number: 871038-72-1
  • MF: C20H20FKN6O5
  • MW: 482.507
  • Catalog: HIV
  • Density: 1.46 g/cm3
  • Boiling Point: N/A
  • Melting Point: 282ºC
  • Flash Point: N/A